Tuesday 7 December 2010

Why I want to lose weight

There are a million different reasons why I want to lose the 30+ lbs I’ve been unable to shift for the past year. Not least because it’s a little scary that I managed to gain those pounds in just over a year – that’s 2 lbs a month over a 15 month period! How on earth did I miss this? Why didn’t I do something about it at the time? The truth is, I don’t know. At first it was because I was blissfully happy with my new man. Then I think it became about the lack of motivation I felt as a chunkier me to do anything, much less something about my weight.

My boy loves me just the way I am, and he tells me this everything single day. There are things about me that annoy the hell out of him, but he still finds me attractive. I want to lose weight to feel comfy with myself again, and he’s happy for me just to be healthy.

So here are my reasons; not so much a raison d’etre but more a raison de faire.

1. So I can walk up hills (without gasping for breath)! I used to be quite fit and healthy, but a year or two of too much food and too little exercise have made themselves known... I want to get back to my fighting weight of 9st-ish, and I know I can do it because I've done it before!
2. I want to be able to do the things I like without huffing and puffing
3. I want to climb mountains
4. I want to fit into my size 10 clothes
5. I want to feel pretty again
6. I want to get my half sleeve done, and I want to have nice arms to justify the artist’s work, not jiggly ones!

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