Wednesday 8 December 2010

Day 1 recap

My first day back on WW went ok (not great). I was over my points allowance, but I did restrain myself somewhat – despite the fact my boyfriend was brewing up some tasty smelling stew late last night. He does that all the time – chucks in whatever is about to go off and makes these amazing concoctions. The best was a buffalo and tomato stew with whole shallots, slow-cooked overnight. Oh yum!

I haven’t had time to cook the past few months, and my eating has been atrocious. I’ve been grabbing something after class most days, and eating it on the bus to work. One thing I won’t miss about work is the silly commute from Kings Buildings down to Leith. One time I even took my leftovers from the night before, and nearly ended up with a pile of noodles on my lap around a sharp corner! The people, the actual job – all that I’ll miss. The lack of sleep and the commute…not so much.

My target is 29 WW ProPoints a day. If I’m totally honest, I don’t quite understand the new system yet, but I suppose it’s the same as when I joined WW years ago – it must be a learning curve.

What I have found with WW that I prefer to counting calories is that it’s easier to guesstimate points than it is to do the same with calories. I don’t eat a lot of processed foods (usually only what I consume from the canteen at work or uni) so it’s sometimes more difficult to find a non-branded item such as Brussels sprouts or tomatoes than something from a packet! I don’t plan on changing my diet to include packaged rubbish though.

Some of the items I have logged from the WW site have been branded, but I’ve usually just taken the highest ProPoints value to keep myself right. I probably won’t post every single day’s worth of food here, but as it was my first day I thought it would be rude not to.

I finished the day consuming 40 ProPoints (11 PP over my target of 29 – yikes!), drinking 4 glasses of water (of which I included 1 green tea, no added sugars or sweeteners), and eating 5 of my 5-a-day of fruit and veg. It wasn’t bad as far as first days go, but I now know what I should be keeping an eye on.

Cheese scone (9)
1 serving strawberry jam (1)
Mushroom stroganoff (7)
New potatoes, 100g (2)
White basmati rice (0)
Brussels sprouts (6)
½ portion Aloo Saag, leftovers (5)
1 poppadom (1)
All day
2 medium bananas (0)
2 medium plums (0)
1 sachet Ella’s Kitchen organic
fruit puree, red (1)
1 peshwari naan, leftovers (8)
Green tea (0)
Total: 40 ProPoints
Water: 4 glasses
Fruits and veg: 5 portions

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